Much of our work aims to benefit young people but it is those who work directly with them who often make a difference to their lives, especially if they are vulnerable or face complex transitions to adulthood. We want to help organisations at different stages of development to improve, consolidate and spread those good practices which empower young people to achieve their potential. We will prioritise work with young people that starts by recognising and building on their strengths, and concentrate our support on those experiencing the most challenging circumstances.

Our aim will be to improve the quality and quantity of support available for the most vulnerable young people, by allowing promising innovative approaches to be sustained and grown and/or replicated. We will target organisations working with young people who are experiencing disadvantage – sometimes referred to as ‘socially excluded’ or ‘marginalised’. This group includes those not in education, employment or training but extends to people whose experiences of disadvantage are often hidden or less well known, and whose voices are not heard.

See our asset-based approaches page for more information.