6. We want to improve support for young people who migrate, and strengthen integration so that communities can live well together

Migration is a global phenomenon, generating opportunities for social, economic and cultural enrichment. It also creates challenges for those who have moved or been displaced, and those experiencing changes in their communities. Paul Hamlyn was a migrant, fleeing persecution in Nazi Germany, and we have long experience of grant-making, research and collaborations around migration – mainly focused on help for young people for whom migration has brought vulnerability and hardship.

Our view is that societies are more likely to live well together if exclusion is addressed and connections deepened. We want to use our funding to help build ‘shared ground’ with the aim of a more socially equal society, where young people, settled and transient, migrant and British, can contribute actively and engage positively.

Our work under this strategic priority will include:

Shared Ground Fund

‘Explore and test’ grants will provide support to help explore new approaches to supporting young migrants in greatest need and/or communities experiencing high levels of migration, particularly in response to new challenges and opportunities arising as a result of policy and practice changes.

‘More and better’ grants will provide substantial support over a number of years to organisations with a strong track record of achievement and which have the potential to have wider influence on policy and practice.

Supported Options

This work was launched in 2010 and is delivered in partnership with US-based funder Unbound Philanthropy. The programme encourages and supports practice innovation by grant-funding a small number of charities and law centres to design and operate new approaches to support young undocumented migrants. It also seed-funds new ideas and commissions research on knowledge gaps. It shares learning through reports, online blogs and web resources, and supports a practitioner network.