Strategic Interventions Fund

The aim of this fund is to support interventions in any area of interest within the Foundation’s mission and strategic priorities, but that may fall outside of the grant programmes as we have currently designed them, or sit across a number of priorities. It reflects our wish to remain flexible and able to respond to the world as it changes.

The purpose is to roll out excellence, increase impact and to improve policy and practice in our areas of interest. We will fund a small number of exemplary organisations and projects each year and we expect these programmes to be by invitation only. Grants will range in size and could extend across a number of years. We hope to develop a strong and supportive relationship with successful applicants, and to agree a learning and dissemination programme as part of post-award plans.

Priorities for funding will be identified through Board discussion of emerging learning from other work that the Foundation funds, or the identification of external trends that are having an impact on the organisations we work with.

An example of our work in this area is our 25th anniversary gifts.

During 2012 and 2013, we marked the Foundation’s 25th anniversary with a series of gifts to organisations whose work we felt made a big impact by helping people to realise their potential and enjoy a better quality of life.

Gifts were made to:

  • Paul Hamlyn Roundhouse Studios, to provide an endowment to support opportunities for around 3,000 young people a year to train in creative industries
  • Jaipur Foot, to provide an endowment to support the ongoing work of the organisation in making and fitting prosthetic limbs free of charge in Jaipur, India
  • Circuit, to establish a National Youth Network for the Visual Arts
  • Paul Hamlyn Club Awards, to expand audiences in five performing arts venues across the UK
  • The Reading Agency, to help young people volunteer through their local libraries and support other young people to get into reading

We expect our relationships with these organisations to continue during the lifetime of this strategy.